CBD Oils

What Is CBD Oil and How Do You Use it?

CBD is one of more than 80 active compounds called cannabinoids found naturally in the cannabis Sativa plant, according to a study published in January 2019 in The Permanente Journal. Extracting it results in a thick oily paste, which is then typically mixed with a carrier oil, such as hemp oil or coconut oil, to produce a product with a specific concentration of CBD. That product is CBD oil.

How Do You Use CBD Oil?

  1. Ingested CBD- Swallowing CBD oil allows it to pass through the digestive system and be metabolized by the liver, sending its active compounds throughout the body over several hours. CBD oil is usually ingested in drops, tinctures, and capsules, or added to foods and beverages, such as gummy candies and coffee. CBD can also be ingested as a powder made by removing all plant matter to reveal a crystalline powder that has no taste or odor.
  2. Sublingual CBD- Another popular way to take CBD is to place a few drops of the oil or tincture, or a small bit of the powder, under the tongue and hold it there for several seconds. This allows the active ingredients to be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through mucus membranes in the mouth.
  3. Topical CBD- CBD-infused products are applied to the skin to relieve pain and reduce inflammation directly where needed. Topical products include creams, salves, patches, shampoos, suppositories, lip balms, bath salts, and personal lubricants.
  4. Inhaled CBD- CBD can be inhaled by vaporizing the oil or by adding the oil or powder to e-cigarettes or tobacco and smoking them. Inhaled CBD enters the bloodstream rapidly through the lungs, avoiding the digestive system. For this reason, “vaping” has been a popular way of using CBD. But a mysterious spate of lung injuries linked to inhaling products has led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to urge people to refrain from vaping while they investigate. Most of the people in the more than 800 cases reported by the end of September 2019 were in patients who used products containing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), according to the CDC. Like CBD, THC is a cannabinoid, and the two are often found together in vaping products. 

Can You Get Stoned (or High) on CBD?

No, you can’t get blissed out on CBD alone. Its chemical cousin, THC, is the only cannabinoid that causes the high associated with marijuana use. For this reason, it’s important to know exactly what type of CBD you’re buying:

Marijuana-derived CBD oil is extracted from high-THC cannabis plants, which can contain varying amounts of THC. (The ratio of CBD to THC is typically listed on the product label.) Any product with more than 0.3 percent THC is considered a controlled substance and can only be bought in a state where medical or recreational marijuana is legal.

Although the science is scant, the British Journal of Pharmacology reported that some experts believe combining CBD with THC enhances CBD’s pharmacological benefits, a theory known as the “entourage effect.”.

Hemp-derived CBD oil is extracted from low-THC cannabis plants. This is the type of CBD sold over the counter in nutrition stores and supermarkets, added to lattes in cool coffee shops, and infused into luxe beauty products.

Buy CBD oil online at CoreBionics to deal with many health conditions such as skin problems, inflammation, and joint pain, sleeping disorder, anxiety and stress. Our CBD oil is 100% natural and organic that idle for humans as well as animals.

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