special sauce strain
CBD cbd flower

Discover the Blissful Special Sauce Hemp Strain: High CBD, Exceptional Flavor

The Special Sauce hemp strain is an incredibly strong flower with a berry sweetness scent and earthy undertones ideal for causing peace and promoting bliss. Ranking amongst the hemp strains with the most CBD, Special Sauce lives up to its name by expressing substantial amounts of cannabidiol (CBD) and terpene content.

Special Sauce CBD flower has a moderately dense structure that makes strong, Christmas tree-shaped resinous buds. Its flowers are a rainforest dark-green color with touches of black purple and pink calyxes framed with orange-red hairs.

This strain is often reported to boost creativity and cerebral excitement, alongside strong physical and psychological relaxation. The mixture of high CBD content and terpene expression makes Special Sauce a particularly solid mood booster.


Special Sauce is an Indica hybrid cross of the initial Special Sauce strain and early resin berry (ERB). Each strain is popular in the hemp world, so it has assisted the Special Sauce strain to gain a lot of favor and popularity. Experienced users of the strain agree that the taste resembles no other hemp strain in the marketplace. This is what produces the special sauce strain standout. This strain is popular for its general health help that it uses.


If you are a hemp floral lover at that point you are probably familiar with the appeal that hemp weeds can have. Special Sauce produces little, heavy buds. The color tones include dark green, brownish, and gold. You will discover that the buds are softly frosted. While some people are put off by small buds, these special nugs load a hit when it relates to potency.


The aroma is a huge point when it comes to enjoying CBD flower strains. The appearance, aroma, and flavor profile are all things that customers consider when choosing a strain. You will not be disappointed with Special Sauce. This flower gives a pungent, delightful, and citrusy aroma. It feels earthy with a musky undertone. When grinding this flower, you are sure to aroma smash hits of blueberries and blackberries.

Flavor Profile

Special Sauce is known for its sophisticated terpenes. Its taste is controlled by cinnamon and delightful berries. A few appeals a Special Sauce will gain you the undertones of natural flavors featuring cloves, hops, and some citrus. You might also experience a rush of blood orange as you breathe out.

Terpenes Include:

  • Myrcene
  • Caryophyllene
  • Pinene
  • Limonene

Buy Special Sauce Strain Online from Mary Jane Bakery

Getting CBD flower strain online does not have to be tricky. The most important part of buying your flower strain online is finding a reliable supplier. Here are some ideas to help you.

  • Be sure that the supplier that you are purchasing from offers lab testing. This will reveal the quality and pureness of the product. It  also helps in showing that the company you are handling is legit.
  • Read reviews on third-party sites to ensure that other people have experienced great experiences with the company.
  • Contact the company to see if they are quick and easy to get a hold of. This will also give you an inside check of their customer support.

Experience special sauce strain: CBD Dominant Blend of Special Sauce and Early Resin Berry. Uplifting, Relaxing, and Delightfully Earthy. Shop today!